Thursday, September 29, 2011

Plato, Star Wars and Harry Potter. Life Doesn't Get Much Better.

I have found my perfect Pandora channel. Nora Jones, Sara Bareilles and Howie Day. It is genius. If you are in the mood for a chill and spunky music channel, this is it. I love it. I listen to it practically every day. 

So my professor dressed up as Plato the other day. Greek white robe, the gold laurel headband, stone tablet and talked liked Plato the whole time. He pulled a girl up from the first row and started questioning her in the Socratic method and pretty much proved to her she had no idea what she was doing with her life. If I was her, I would still be in a state of confusion. I guess you could say he is pretty passionate about Greek Philosophy...

I ran into something comparing Star Wars to Harry Potter the other day. It made me laugh. A lot. So if you are in to either Star Wars or Harry Potter- or better yet- BOTH, check it out. It takes three seconds. Just Go Here.

Also, if you are still unsure of Harry Potter's dominance over Twilight.. Go Here Right Now.

Hope you smiled today!


  1. Star Wars vs. Harry Potter comparison is awesome. But Star Wars is better :D

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA no. HP dominates
