Saturday, August 6, 2011

Spirited Away

Anne Katherine's Mood Flow Chart:
Anne Katherine can't sleep because she is too busy thinking and her mind refuses to shut down. -->
Anne Katherine doesn't get enough sleep and becomes sleep deprived. -->
Anne Katherine gets crabby. -->
Solution to crabbiness: Inspiration #8. 

My medicine for this said crabbiness isn't the usual coffee, chocolate, flirting or sleep. Well... sometimes it's sleep. But most often it's a good, familiar book that will spirit me away into a different world for a few hours so I can forget about dumb things like paying for college, what to do on bad hair days, and how to persuade my mom to buy me more shoes. (I have a tough life. I know.)
Last night I was particularly crabby so I took out one of my favorite, most favorite, MOST FAVORITE books; The Hunger Games. If you haven't read it, please stop reading this post right now, go check it out from your public library and go read it. If you have some good excuse as to why you stop everything in your life to go to the library, well, I found the first two chapters of it online so you can get hooked without going anywhere. 
Just Click Right Here!
So this book rocks my world. The other book I always read when I need a good pick me up is Anne of the Island. Way different than the intense survivor feeling of the Hunger Games, but it holds its own with its sweet and happy tone. Also, Anne may be one of the most lovable characters ever created.
The nice things about books is they take your mind places you would never dream about otherwise. It unlocks whole worlds, scores of people and hundreds of new ideas. It forces you to think about the decisions people make, and the consequences that happen from them. 
I think Cornelia Funke described it best in her book Inkheart when she said, "If you take a book with you on a journey,... an odd thing happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever after you have only to open that book to be back where you first read it. It will all come into your mind with the very first words: the sights you saw in that place, what it smelled like, the ice cream you ate while you were reading it...yes, books are like flypaper--memories cling to the printed page better than anything else." 
Words of wisdom from the Funke herself.
Next time you get crabby at your life, I suggest reading instead of taking your anger out on the people in your life. However, if you see me reading I strongly suggest you don't interrupt me. Otherwise this will happen. 

You've been warned...

Anne with an E.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

And When You Dream, Dream Big

So this post is going to need a little bit of background information before I dive in. As you all know, I went on a camping trip last week. It was an amazing experience and I got to know some awesome people I didn't really know before. There is something about camping and being in nature away from the gajillion distractions in the world that encourage bonding and personal reflection. I'm being so vague though! Let me give you details. :)
On Friday, there was a service project planned for all of us girls to participate in. It was the usual service project; make tie blankets for a homeless shelter. Quick, easy and requires lots of people. We split up in a couple of groups and made cards and blankets while the other group played games outside. It was an enjoyable experience but not initially memorable.
However, this time I got to see the effects of our little act of service. I volunteered with my lovely friend Berlynn to help our leader take the blankets over to the shelter we were donating the blankets to. I didn't know this previously, but the shelter was designed for women and their children that had been involved in abusive relationships. When I walked into the shelter, there were two beautiful brown eyed children that followed the three of us. Their eyes really got to me. They looked so knowing for being so young. I couldn't imagine my little brothers the same age as them having the same look of sadness and wisdom in place of their usual cheery and mischievous looks.
Anyways, we handed the blankets off and our leader asked if we could tour the shelter. As I walked around the facility, I realized what an amazing cause this was. The people that worked here were making a huge difference in the lives of women who truly had been given the short stick in life. I then realized really there was no better purpose in life then to serve others around us. I mean we hear that so often that it just becomes a catch phrase; "Treat others the way you want to be treated," or "Serving others serves God," but who really stops to think about what that means? I didn't!
So I decided that I have a new Inspiration #7. I'm as of right now going to be majoring in business, and I want to use that degree to open a shelter for women who are abused, depressed or have eating disorders. I have very close friends who at some point suffered with all of these things and they all need a safe refuge where they can retreat from the world. Moreover, I want to share my passion of music with them and help that shape their lives. People who are sad and lonely need something small that they feel like is improving in their life. What better thing to improve then musical ability? It's so easy to track progress and music touches the soul unlike any other thing.
Obviously there are ten million things I need to work out. Money, time, balancing a family, all of that will need to fall into place. Anyways, leave comments if you have any ideas on how to make this dream a reality or on what your dream is. Love all of you, and may you all find something to keep you inspired.
Also, if you feel alone, know that Jesus Christ has felt everything. EVER. You are never alone.

Anne Katherine

Title of this post credited to one of my favorite songs, Dream Big. Listen Here :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sometimes You Just Need to Wear Neon

So I know this girl. Her name is Angie Roushar and has been one of my dearest friends for as long as I can remember. She is one of those people that anchor you to the world when everything else is storming around you. Angie is one of those girls where you feel like you can talk and laugh for a lifetime without getting bored. She also puts up with all of my increasingly dumb jokes.

Exhibit A:
AK: Hey Angie! Want to hear a joke?
Angie: Uh... Sure.
AK: Whats green and has wheels?
Angie: A tractor? *Insert appropriate loving eye roll here.*
AK: NO!! Grass. I lied about the wheels.

See what I mean? Anyone who puts up with that deserves a medal. Anyways, she will get a post exclusively dedicated to her soon. But for the mean time, she gave me an incredible present.

Inspiration #6. Neon sweatshirts.

BRIGHT YELLOW neon sweatshirts.

I love it. And it inspires me because you truly can't wear it without being super happy. Once I tried crying in it and I had to take it off because I couldn't take myself seriously with it on. I LOVE IT. It is going with me to college so I have something to remind me to be happy when I feel horribly alone. (Hopefully that won't happen though.)

Just for the record, this is my favorite picture of Angie and I. 

And this is me wearing my neon sweatshirt. YAY!!

So here is my advice on this lovely Monday morning. If you are feeling a little down in the dumps for some reason or another, go put on something bright. And if you don't have anything then I suggest you go to Goodwill. :)

Stay happy!

P.S. If you are bored and have a dumb sense of humor, go look up Kid History on YouTube. My friend told me to watch it at camp this week and there are some pretty entertaining moments in it! It's stories from two friends growing up now told by (I think) their kids. LOVE IT. 
If you want to watch it, click HERE. :)