Wednesday, February 8, 2012

But If Life Were Made of Moments,

Then we'd never known we had one.

Moments from today:

1. I have this theory that everyone resembles some kind of animal. Therefore, the person you are most romantically compatible with will resemble animals in the same family or group. Today, it was decided that I was a raccoon. 

I thought about posting a picture of myself after the raccoon so you could truly see the resemblance, but I thought that would be detrimental to my self esteem. I'm currently making a poster to place around campus reading, "WANTED: Any single male that resembles this picture. Average GPA of 3.5, 6'2" and relatively normal is preferred. Reward negotiable." 

I'm thinking a fair reward would be an eternity of good dinners. Maybe 10 unarguable diaper changes? If he's really raccoony, I might consider consenting to an engagement before my 18th birthday. We'll see who shows up.

Moment 2: Right in the middle of when I was using the restroom in the HFAC, my stall door swung open. 

Apparently, the HFAC bathroom locks are not as secure as they would like to have you believe. Luckily I noticed my predicament before anyone else did. Needless to say, I will not be using those toilets for a long time.

Moment 3: I'm packing up after biology when a guy walks up and starts talking to me for the first time. This is how it went:
"So we were on the bio website at the same time and I saw your name. My dad wanted me to ask you if you have any relatives that served a mission in Taiwan."
*Let's talk about this for a second. I have never seen this kid before, much less talked to him. Despite this, he knows my first and last name and when I'm taking bio quizzes. He went to enough trouble to look me up on some BYU directory to figure out what I looked like. Assuming his story is true, he then happened to bring up  my name to his father in casual conversation, who asked him to ask me if I knew a guy from his mission.*
"Ahhh.. I have no idea."
"Well, you should ask your dad and tell me next class!"

So Dad. Anyone you know serve in Taiwan? I'm really eager to sit next to him and find out what else he's managed to find out about me in the first two weeks of class. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Moment 4: I found this:

I just really had my mind blown. Not all the way... Just like a big gust of wind just went in one ear and out the other.


I don't really have anything to top that.


1 comment:

  1. As cool as the Harry Potter thing is, it isn't true. The baby in the first movie was played by a set of triplets. Disappointing, but such is life.
