Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Don't Want to Brag, But...

Everyone says they have the best mother in the world. It's not true, unless it's coming from one of the seven kids raised by my mom. I truly do have the best mom in the world. If you think I'm lying, well this post should convince you.

First of all: she ran a half marathon a couple of weeks ago. That's 13 miles straight, people. Furthermore, she did it in the rain and wind. I think it would be pushing it for me to run 13 miles in slightly sunny and breezy conditions.

Second of all: she has a second sense for knowing when people need help. It's incredible how in tune she is to signals being sent that 99% of people don't pick up on. So many people depend emotionally on her, and yet she finds time for everyone.

Third of all: she is a lady that tries over and over again if something doesn't work the first time. Take for example our family garden. We have probably tried over the course of half a dozen years to plant something. Most of the time, we plant too late or water it too little, so the yield is pretty small. And yet, we try again the next year. We have to get it right eventually.

Fourth of all: she has made a commitment to teaching her children. She taught me how to read by the time I was 3 and started me on piano when I was 4. Both of these things have had profound influence on my life and the decisions I have made.

Fifth of all: she introduced me to BBC. Where would I be without my memories of staying up late just putting "one more" Pride and Prejudice tape or Bleak House DVD in? And those Pirot episodes are just phenomenal. :)

Sixth of all: she knows which battles to fight, and which ones to give up on. Lost cause: asking AK how clean her room is in college. Winning cause: getting AK to finish Personal Progress and find a job.

Seventh of all: she makes delicious fajitas. I haven't had a good fajita since I came to college, and I'm really craving one right about now. My mother's fajitas are the best food on the planet. I need to figure out how to do it as well as she does.

Eighth of all: she has made our home a sanctuary from the world. You step in, and an innate sense of calm washes over you. So much more peaceful then the hellish hallways of high school. (Awesome alliteration, AK. Why thank you.)

Ninth of all: she is an amazing wife. She supports my father in his calling, work, coaching, and everything else. I seldom hear her complain about his lack of extra time to spend doting on all of us. She puts in effort into their relationship, and does all she can to make it as happy as possible.

Tenth of all: she is one of my best friends. She is a lady who I know will love me no matter what, and is someone I can call regardless of the topic. There are very few people like that, and I love her because of it.

As you can see, I have the best mom in the world. Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there!

1 comment:

  1. Anne Katherine, You didn't even LIKE bleak house! me and mom were the only ones who did!
